Cydia is full of cydia apps that are designed in such a way to greatly improve the life of any user with a jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod. Today, we’ll talk about an easy, but interesting Cydia app known by the name of BookSong.
While its purpose may not seem extremely important at the first glance, BookSong is quite useful for just about anyone. We all love music and this app has a very important role in making enjoying to music on your jailbroken iOS device a better experience. With this in mind, it remembers where you’re left when playing a song regardless of whether you stop the app from running or perform a respring.
Leaving aside the fact that the cydia app is extremely easy to use as it only requires it to be installed, the music app to be opened and a song to be played, the Cydia app is also available free of charge on the Cydia store. One unfortunate fact at the moment is that it lacks basic settings, so the cydia app doesn’t have other extras incorporated although there are chances to see an update in the future.
Apart from BookSong, which other Cydia apps related to music do you know about and enjoy?